Geometric Numerical Integration

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Many differential equations of interest in the physical sciences and engineering exhibit geometric properties that are preserved by the dynamics. Recently, there has been a trend towards the construction of numerical schemes that preserve as many of these geometric invariants as possible.

Such methods are of particular interest when simulating mechanical systems that arise from Lagrangian or Hamiltonian mechanics, wherein the preservation of physical invariants such as the energy, momentum, and symplectic form can be important when simulating long-time dynamics of such systems.

In applications arising from astrodynamics and robotics, the dynamics evolve on nonlinear manifolds such as Lie groups, and in particular the rotation group, and the special Euclidean group. Numerical schemes that respect the underlying nonlinear manifold structure will also be discussed.

This course will begin with an overview of classical numerical integration schemes, and their analysis, followed by a more in depth discussion of the various geometric properties that are of importance in many practical applications, followed by a survey of the various geometric integration schemes that have been developed in recent years. Issues pertaining to the analysis and implementation of such schemes will also be addressed.