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Best add-ons in Zotero | easy to use | better notes | literature review mindmap | research

Zotero Better Notes hithub repo + tutorial

โ€œIn this video, I'll guide you through the process of using BetterNotes, a completely free add-on that's incredibly easy to use. With BetterNotes, you can effortlessly import references from popular reference managers, create custom tags and use the main notes feature to improve your note-taking game, and take better notes using advanced features like text highlighting, annotations, and file attachments.โ€


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feed/2023/11/05/best_add-ons_in_zotero_easy_to_use_better_notes_literature_review_mindmap_research.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/11/05 22:16 by Horea Caramizaru