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At Your Door - Nate Wolcott, Mike Mogis

Like the sea leaves the shore
If I drift from your side
Honey you can be sure
I'll come in
Like the tide
Right back through your door

I don't need no roof
And I don't need no walls
I need you
And that's all
That's all

Like a leaf from a tree
If I slip from your limbs
Honey wait 'till the spring
I'll be home
Safe again
Right back to your door

And if you be my home
Then I won't need no roof
And I won't need no walls
I need you
And that's all
That's all

Not in brick
Not in wood
Do my memories reside
I could leave them for good
It's to you
That I'm tied

And I don't need no roof
And I don't need no walls
I need you
And that's all
That's all


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feed/2024/02/08/at_your_door_-_nate_wolcott_mike_mogis.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/02/08 00:29 by Horea Caramizaru