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2024/03/29 00:05 · Horea Caramizaru · 0 Comments · 0 Linkbacks

Course Description

We all know that calculus courses such as 18.01 Single Variable Calculus and 18.02 Multivariable Calculus cover univariate and vector calculus, respectively. Modern applications such as machine learning and large-scale optimization require the next big step, โ€œmatrix calculusโ€ and calculus on arbitrary vector spaces.

This class covers a coherent approach to matrix calculus showing techniques that allow you to think of a matrix holistically (not just as an array of scalars), generalize and compute derivatives of important matrix factorizations and many other complicated-looking operations, and understand how differentiation formulas must be reimagined in large-scale computing. We will discuss reverse/adjoint/backpropagation differentiation, custom vector-Jacobian products, and how modern automatic differentiation is more computer science than calculus (it is neither symbolic formulas nor finite differences).


Artificial intelligence has recently experienced remarkable advances, fueled by large models, vast datasets, accelerated hardware, and, last but not least, the transformative power of differentiable programming. This new programming paradigm enables end-to-end differentiation of complex computer programs (including those with control flows and data structures), making gradient-based optimization of program parameters possible. As an emerging paradigm, differentiable programming builds upon several areas of computer science and applied mathematics, including automatic differentiation, graphical models, optimization and statistics. This book presents a comprehensive review of the fundamental concepts useful for differentiable programming. We adopt two main perspectives, that of optimization and that of probability, with clear analogies between the two. Differentiable programming is not merely the differentiation of programs, but also the thoughtful design of programs intended for differentiation. By making programs differentiable, we inherently introduce probability distributions over their execution, providing a means to quantify the uncertainty associated with program outputs.

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feed/start.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/11/12 22:57 by Horea Caramizaru